About the festival

About the festival

Dear friends!

Welcome to the official website of the International Festival of Vocal Art «TIMBRE»!

The first Festival “Timbre” took place in 2017 in Moscow. During the Festival, representatives of Italy, Spain, China, Togo, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Latvia, Ukraine, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and, of course, numerous cities of Russia took part in it. Every year the Festival expands its geography, acquires new partners and like-minded people.

Performers can take part in the Festival in two nominations: “Solo academic singing” and “Solo pop vocal”, and in two categories: “Professionals” and “Amateurs”. It is noteworthy that participation in this event is free (no fees). The Festival’s events were held at such Moscow venues as the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin, the Rachmaninoff House Concert Hall, the Metropolitan Concert Hall, and the Inspiration Cultural Center. This year, the Central House of Art Workers, the Moscow House of Nationalities.

The Timbre Festival is a unique opportunity to declare your vocal talent and be heard!

Author of the idea, artistic director, chairman of the organizing committee
and chairman of the jury of the Festival

soloist of the Mosconcert
Ph.D. in History of Arts
head of the creative commission
«Academic Vocal» of the Moscow Musical Society

Official website of Ilya Ushullu: WWW.USHULLU.COM